Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Tinfoil hat time?

We have been interested in Kevin Phillips new book, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, and so we read several news items related to his book. From the links provided by, we examined:

Kevin Phillips Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times
A book review in the Washington Post (via Just a Bump in the Beltway)
The excerpt provided by Barnes & Noble
And an interview with Phillips on Democracy Now

There's a lot of information and it spans much time and space. Still, we tried to put together most of the moving parts (as Josh Marshall would say) into a single diagram.

NOTE: We might include more details about the Bush family connections to the Saudis/Middle-East-characters/offshore-oil-projects at a later date.

Our opinion? Too early to say. Lots of things look connected and conspiratorial, but in life there are lots of connections. However, Phillips does seem to be onto something when he posits a big sticky ball of spooks, oil-interests, foreign intrigue, and politics - with the Bush family well integrated into it.

We recommend you read the essays and interviews about the book so that you can form your own opinion. We hope this diagram will be an aid in understanding the elements and theories that Kevin Phillips has written about.

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: We are having some problems with image hosting (a directory keeps disappearing) and so the URL for the image might change over the next few days - hopefully still allowing visitors to see the damn thing.)

PRINTING / FORMAT UPDATE: For those who are having trouble viewing (and printing) the image above, we have a smaller-sized diagram that you can view here (and print it in landscape)

1 comment:

  1. somehow or other i ended up here from Balloon Juice and just wanted to let you know your um org chart of the arrangements of one particular American dynasty is fascinating. not in the tinfoil hat way, but in diagramming the milieu of the overclass.
