
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Simple-minded politics:

Over at Kevin Drum's place, guest blogger Heather Digby Parton writes about the upcoming Wisconsin election: (emp add)
... in looking at the Marquette University poll just out yesterday, I couldn't help but be somewhat surprised by this:
Voters say they feel their current governor would be better at creating jobs than his recall challenger. Half say they think Walker would do a better job, while just 43 percent pick Barrett. And Walker holds a 51 percent favorable rating and 46 percent unfavorable, while his rival is at 41 percent favorable and 46 percent unfavorable.
It's almost unbelievable to me that voters would believe that when job creation has been the biggest issue of the campaign—and it hasn't been good for Walker ...

Even though Walker is being recalled mostly because of a fight with workers and the state is dead-last in job creation, 50% of the voters think he'll be better at job creation than the other guy? Nobody in the country has done worse!

This strikes me as yet another success of conservative talking points. I think many people have simply absorbed the oft-repeated notion that Republicans are the advocates for "job-creators" with their low taxes and deregulation and even in the face of clear evidence otherwise they can't really see how anything else would work.
Similarly, it appears that most people do not believe in Keynesian economics.

This is an era of simple-minded thinking. The overall economy is just like your household budget. Of all the components in the economy, only the much-heralded "job creators" matter. Regulations are bad. Facts and the historical record be damned.


Indeed, it's surprising (well, if you naively assume people are open to changes of mind) that people aren't looking back to Keynes at this time.

Europe is going through a classic Keynesian positive-feedback downward spiral. Yet austerity is their answer to a lack of economic activity and a widespread fear of losing one's job.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/01/2012 3:23 AM  

Perhaps to be accurate, this:

" ... it appears that most people do not believe in Keynesian economics."

should be modified to:

" ... it appears that most people are not aware of or do not understand Keynesian economics."

By Blogger Shag from Brookline, at 6/01/2012 4:05 AM  

If the conservatives can twist something as objective and fact based as science to fit their view with their media control and talking points, the outlook for history and the social sciences is hopeless.

By Anonymous Rockie the Dog, at 6/01/2012 5:45 AM  

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