
Monday, February 06, 2012

Obama on the "shortage" of high-tech workers in America:
“what industry tells me is that they don’t have enough (domestic) highly skilled engineers”

“the word that we’re getting is that somebody (a domestic engineer) in a high-tech field should be able to find something right away”
Dave Sirota disagrees (and writes about other trends unhelpful to high-tech labor).

Interesting that Obama couches his response with "what industry tells me" and "the word that we're getting". That's weasel-speak, the words you hear from a Wall Street Democrat.


I only have some anecdotes, not data, but the medium-sized aerospace supplier near LAX that I consult to desperately needs additional qualified software engineers - with fairly standard backgrounds, mostly C/C++ and Linux - and is having trouble finding them.

And they're offering a rather nice salary, starting in the high 5-digits with a promise of rapid increases if performance justifies.

So I really doubt that there are many decent software engineers out there who can't find jobs. The supply falls far short of demand. Given that, I don't see any good reason not to let software developers from other countries contribute their efforts, and reap the rewards.

Sure, there may be some not-so-swift software types out there who might have gotten a job but for a more talented foreigner being available. But that's a feature, not a bug. A sub-par engineer can actually retard a product's development, and no-one benefits from that.

By Anonymous eb53, at 2/06/2012 9:22 AM  

Steve Jobs told him at a dinner they shared with other California tech moguls sometime shortly before his death that a lack of available engineers was the prime reason that Apples's manufacturing was abroad.

But it's bigger than just educated workers, the entire manufacturing chain in China is growing and hungry for opportunities

Meanwhile, in this country it's a race to the bottom.

By Anonymous Mark Centz, at 2/06/2012 12:44 PM  

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