
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thinking it over:

From Obama's perspective, he hasn't really "lost" on any political issue, has he? Yes, nominations are stuck in the Senate and some other things haven't gotten done (e.g. climate legislation) but is there any issue where Obama put his stamp on it and it then didn't pass? Partly it's because he's let Congress do the work and so the failures, such as they are, are Reid's and Pelosi's. I wonder if that sense of a winning streak (or more accurately, not having lost) is affecting how they see the electorate, their base, and their overall situation. I bet they feel pretty good about themselves.


From Obama's perspective, he hasn't really "lost" on any political issue, has he?

Barack Obama's political "success" is the equivalent of an electoral Ponzi scheme foisted on the Democratic party. There seems to be just enough political capital available to keep all the Democrats from worrying too much, but wait until November when the bank account runs dry ...

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