If Obama nominates Diane Wood to the Supreme Court ...She'll be only 2 years younger than
Clarence Thomas. He's already had 19 years on the court. There is no way she can match him in terms of expected years-of-service.
posted by Quiddity at 4/20/2010 02:20:00 AM
No way? Don't be so certain, women often outlast men and we know nothing about their lifestyles or family health history, so who knows which of them stands to match Stevens time on the Court. One thing though, Thomas is more likely to hunt with his pals Scalia and Cheney, and maybe he doesn't wear a faceguard if he does.
And maybe Anita Hill will get her revenge in the end.
Would be a nice irony (and a kick in Thomas' privates), if Obama nominated her (talk about a really dark horse ;-). She is too old though.