
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The theme of that Christian militia group:

If you visit HUTAREE.COM and check out the links, you'll find that they are overwhelmingly about guns. Guns to purchase. Training for the use of guns. A rank system that uses gun names (e.g. Gunner, Senior Gunner, Master Gunner, Bronze Rifleman, Gold Rifleman, Gold Rifleman).

It dominates the website so much that whatever ideology is at play is hard to find. What little is there is about martyrdom while fighting the anti-Christ.

One of their external links goes to the Adjutant Briefing website which itself has links to stuff like aircraft carrier locations* and the Rapture Index. It's all good stuff.

* - almost a year out of date


and Jesus said, "do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn your Glock to him."

By Anonymous Rockie the Dog, at 3/30/2010 2:49 PM  

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

This month's target has been Christians. Specifically, the Pope, priests, and a handful of trailer-park gun nuts.

Of course, they are a proxy in Obama's mind for the tea partiers. The Democrats were all set to launch attacks on "tea party leaders", but couldn't find any so they had to settle on those sad sacks.

Does Obama have any other political methods other than the Alinsky attack?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/31/2010 6:32 AM  

"This month's target has been Christians. Specifically, the Pope, priests, and a handful of trailer-park gun nuts."

Anon, that there is one big steamin' bowl of crazy noodle soup. What you call a "handful of trailer-park gun nuts" we sane people refer to as religiously-motivated terrorists on a par with Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Moreover, the Catholic Church is riddled with pedophiles and their enablers, up to and including Pope Ratso Rizzo, and I guess you're okay with that. Good to know you're just another sex-crime enabler.

"The Democrats were all set to launch attacks on "tea party leaders", but couldn't find any..."

At least you're willing to admit the teabaggers are essentially a rudderless bunch. The average teabagger couldn't organize a two-car funeral if you spotted him two cars and a dead guy.

By Anonymous Screamin' Demon, at 4/02/2010 10:45 AM  

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