
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pining for Nixon:

This evening on a PBS channel they had a rebroadcast of the David Frost / Richard Nixon interview. Nixon, a Republican who proposed a negative income tax and a national health care plan.

My, how times have changed.


Nixon, a Republican who proposed firebombing the Brookings Institute.

Nixon, a Republican who proposed burglarizing Daniel Ellsburg's psychiatrist's office so that the doctor's notes could be used to smear Ellsburg.

Nixon, a Republican who proposed that John Dean write a full report on Watergate so that Nixon could use it to say, "This is all I have ever known, and clearly my counsel lied to me."

Nixon, a Republican who proposed firing Archibald Cox in a naked attempt to overthrow the rule of law.

Nixon, a Republican who proposed the mining of Haiphong Harbor in his ongoing effort to secure a "peace with honor."

That Nixon, a Republican. Yeah, I'm pining for that bastard, too. Good times.

By Anonymous Death Panel Truck, at 1/26/2010 8:55 AM  

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