
Saturday, October 24, 2009

For George Will, "some" = "one"

In Sunday's Washington Post, George Will pens a positive column about Michele Bachmann. But upon closer inspection, there's not much substance. Will gives a quick background of her political start, then writes:
Some of her supposed excesses are, however, not merely defensible, they are admirable. For example ...
What are "some" of those admirable actions? Will cites only one, Bachmann's floor speech in the House complaining about Democratic legislators working to save one GM dealership from forced closure, which she characterized as "gangster government".

That's it. The remainder of the column is a mixed bag of Minnesota electoral results, Bachmann's family, and other trivia.

What an empty column. Will probably could have found a couple more instances where Bachmann comes off as a sensible conservative, even though she's basically loony. But he clearly thinks that he, The Grand Exalted George Will, has enough cred to give a boost to Bachmann's political future.


How might this apply to George Will?

"Some of her supposed excesses are, however, not merely defensible, they are admirable. For example ..."

I can't think of one.

By Blogger Shag from Brookline, at 10/24/2009 4:14 AM  

Bachmann is an enigma; is she crazy, stupid, or on drugs? ... I really can't tell.

By Anonymous Rockie the Dog, at 10/24/2009 8:39 AM  

RockieTD: I share your puzzlement. What I find striking is her speaking style. Her

Say. One. Word. At. A. Time.

cadence definitely comes off like a super-devout person who is so blissed that regular cognitive thinking is unfamiliar territory.

By Blogger Quiddity, at 10/24/2009 9:10 AM  

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