
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Curmudgeon time:

About those two journalists freed by North Korea.

What was one of them, a mother of a five-year-old doing anywhere near* the China / North Korea border? Sorry, but that's irresponsible. I'm no fan of North Korea, but if they entered that country's territory, they should have been aware of what trouble they could get into.

It's good that they've been released, but I haven't read any criticism of their high-risk behavior.

* - reports say they were arrested "at" the border. If they were taken from Chinese territory, China would have objected, but hasn't. So it looks as if they really did enter North Korean territory.

UPDATE: What's with the Huffington Post headlining with "BILL UPSTAGES HILLARY... ONCE AGAIN"? Look, Bill did fine. Hillary is doing fine. No problems with either one of them, but why is this story getting so much play?


"What's with the Huffington Post headlining with "BILL UPSTAGES HILLARY... ONCE AGAIN"?"

Surely you jest. As if the Clinton psychodrama created and produced by the Villagers ever gets old for them.

By Anonymous Screamin' Demon, at 8/05/2009 11:12 AM  

why would china have given a damn?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/05/2009 10:13 PM  

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