
Thursday, May 21, 2009

No royal courtier could have been more unctuous or more fawning:

Bill Kristol on Cheney:
Cheney's is the speech of a grownup, of a chief executive, of a statesman. He's sober, realistic and concrete, stands up for his country and its public officials, and has an acute awareness of the consequences of the choices one makes as a public official and a willingness to take responsibility for those choices.


"Chief executive"? I guess Kristol believes, as I do, that Cheney ran the country for Bush for much of that administration.

Also there's this: "...acute awareness of the consequences of the choices one makes as a public official and a willingness to take responsibility for those choices."

He sure glided over his push for the Iraq War, and didn't take responsibility for that debacle.

A few years ago, Iraq was the centerpiece of Cheney's war on Terror. Now it's not even a footnote and torture is the sina qua non of anti-terror actions.

Also, he's a lying asshole. ["He" in this case refers to either Kristol or Cheney.]

By Blogger riffle, at 5/21/2009 11:49 AM  

a willingness to take responsibility for those choices.Does Bill spit or swallow?

By Anonymous e. nonee moose, at 5/21/2009 1:12 PM  

Somewhere in hell, Joseph Goebbels smiles.

By Anonymous Screamin' Demon, at 5/21/2009 10:48 PM  

Kristol, would have to use both hands in a well lit room to find his butt. The only problem he would have at that point is that it would hav is that it would be the wrong butt. He hasn't been right on anything else either.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/22/2009 3:52 PM  

Are Billy Kristol's smiles controlled by his sphincter muscles?

By Blogger Shag from Brookline, at 5/23/2009 3:41 AM  

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