Sean Hannity:Anybody listening to his radio show,
and believing his spiel, is a cretin.
Obama doesn't like his country. Obama doesn't like capitalism. Obama is a radical leftists. Obama accepted a book from Chavez of Venezuela (horrors!). Obams is dissing JFK (apparently because of some nice diplo-speak about Cuba, and we all know about the Bay of Pigs).
It's totally nutzo.
I can see vigorous rhetoric about taxes, spending plans, cap and trade, health coverage, and the like. But Hannity's attack on Obama for being, well, anti-American
while abroad, all from a mundane regional summit, is completely insane.
CODA: We must never, ever, forget that Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, and many of their cohorts are bankrolled by Rupert Murdoch.
posted by Quiddity at 4/20/2009 01:48:00 PM
If Soros had a media empire the size and opposite direction of Murdochs', you might have a real point, Anny.
Sorry, but in political influence poker, a Murdock beats a Soros every time.
In other words ...
George Soros = Rock
Rupert Murdoch = Paper
But who is Scissors?