
Monday, March 30, 2009

Wrong move:

This story, Dem Strategists: Sarah Palin Is The New Rush Limbaugh, claims that "the party plans to increasingly elevate Palin in the same manner it has employed Rush for weeks". That's not smart. Limbaugh is the much better foil. Palin is, on the whole*, a nice person. Limbaugh is not.

* Yes, she said some nasty things in speeches, but her general disposition isn't (yet) unremittingly hostile.


* Yes, she said some nasty things in speeches, but her general disposition isn't (yet) unremittingly hostile.

Or at least not perceived as such. Which is all that matters anyway, but a distinction worth noting.

And you're right about this. Stick with the overtly racist asshole Limbaugh for the foreseeable future.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/30/2009 9:41 PM  

In my experience with people who consistently voted GOP in the past, Palin as VP was their reason for noting doing it this past election. I think highlighting her, since the GOP is doing it, is great. It also doesn't mean you have to stop pointing out that Limbaugh is the soul and master of the GOP, and that Palin and Jindal and Gingrich are its future

By Anonymous QrazyQat, at 3/31/2009 12:23 PM  

If the Democrats proclaim Sarah Palin to be the New Voice of the Republican Party, unlike Rush, she will become the New Voice of the Republican Party. Given that Palin and Romney are probably the only two people who actually could beat Obama 4 years from now, that may or may not be a good idea.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/04/2009 1:08 PM  

Palin's response to the stimulus is exactly right. Accept the "spending money" and turn down the money for new state jobs -- that create ongoing financial obligations.

4 years from now, Alaska will be one of the few non-bankrupt states, and people will notice that.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/04/2009 1:10 PM  

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