That new White House website:It stinks. Doesn't work in some browsers. Something of a heavy load. No calendar! Hard to find things. E.g. yesterday's press conference was found, not in the Briefing Room or the Press Briefings page (!), but in a link found in a White House Blog post. Also, the website designers are under the impression that visitors prefer to watch videos instead of reading transcripts.
Ugh. The Bush White House website was much cleaner, if more sedate.
posted by Quiddity at 2/10/2009 10:53:00 AM
And the comments form is nuts! I don't object to the enforced brevity, but the arrow keys frequently don't work and Enter submits the form! I guess they just don't like paragraphs. The Obama candidate Website was pretty good. Too bad they seem to have dumped the Web geeks who made the candidate Website more usable.
Pretty sure that the videos only option is illegal. Hopefully they'll come in line with regulation soon.