Are the Democrats failing to communicate?Consider the "Stimulus Bill". Here's the
definition of stimulus:
something that incites to action
This nation is in the midst of an economic downturn. It would be nice if the economy,
on its own, could perk up. A stimulus for the private sector would be preferred, and there are some things that help (e.g. targeted tax credits). But, given the seriousness of the situation, and that
- stimulus takes time
- stimulus alone cannot end the recession in a timely manner
- stimulus simply won't work in some sectors of the economy
What is needed is something that will, at a minimum, keep the economy moving until the private sector - especially banking - is ready to expand again. That means that in addition to stimulus, you extend unemployment, support existing state government programs, and in some cases resort to employment by the government (for worthwhile projects or even make-work). The name for that sort of thing isn't a Stimulus Bill, but an Economic Security Bill, in the sense that the government is stepping in, temporarily, to provide a support level of economic activity.
But when the Democrats talk about the Stimulus Bill, it leaves them open to Republican attacks on elements that do not stimulate the private sector - which are found in many places in the legislation.
Perhaps it's an unwillingness to say out loud that the government is taking over economic activity in areas where the private sector has retreated, but that's what's needed, unless you're a fan of a libertarian just-wait-and-things-will-get-better approach.
posted by Quiddity at 2/01/2009 08:25:00 AM