Did you watch ABC's This Week roundtable?Great set of commentators:
- George "The New Deal prolonged the Depression" Will - doing his usual schtik.
- Tori Clarke - former Pentagon spokswoman under Bush - today praising Amity Shlaes' book that said the New Deal was a mess.
- Matthew Dowd - chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney '04 presidential campaign - who said that Obama must inflict real pain on liberal/Democratic interest groups (as part of not doing what's best for Democrats, but what's best "for America").
- Donna Brazile - not the most effective spokesperson for the Democrats.
All in all, great balance. Kudos to ABC for bringing out prople to argue against the just-elected president's economic proposals.
posted by Quiddity at 11/30/2008 07:52:00 PM
which pundit argued that stimulus spending and infrastructure investment didn't work to relieve the japanese recession?