High Fructose Corn Syrup:I hate it. It completely ruined soft drinks, and much else. It has terrible "mouth feel" (it's sticky). And there are
questions about it contributing to obesity and diabetes (see also
There is a good
story about how it came to become ubiquitous in the United States over the last 30 years.. And Ezra Klein
comments on that (and other foods).
posted by Quiddity at 10/22/2008 02:34:00 PM
We're lucky to have Hispanic grocery stores in our area that stock Mexican Coca-Cola made with REAL sugar. It costs a little more but it's a taste that takes me back to my childhood. What I wouldn't give for a Frostie root beer like the kind they made when I was a kid.
I liked 7UP and Sprite before HFCS ruined them. But there are a few companies still bottling Bubble Up in glass bottles, using the original formula which calls for cane sugar. The difference is astonishing. Spendy, though. Buck a bottle in stores, if you can find it.