Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dear John McCain,Please pick Joe Lieberman to be your running mate.
posted by Quiddity at 8/28/2008 08:06:00 AM
We'd never get that lucky. Holy Joe didn't cost Gore too many Democratic votes in 2000, but he'd hurt McCain plenty among Republicans, particularly in the south. For as much as them gun-totin', flag-wavin', Jesus-lovin', good ol' boy rednecks love to hate 'em some black folks, they hate Jews just as much, particularly the pro-choice, socially liberal ones.
I'm starting to think that Obama will lose and lose because he is black. Maybe having Lieberman as part of the other choice will even things up.
"Ach du Lieber-man!" playing second banana to Tim Conway's TV old man. A revival of Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple."
Considering who he actually chose, he'd have been better off with Lieberman.