
Monday, October 08, 2007

Presidential pie chart:

Not endorsing this anti-Hillary Clinton op-ed, but it is interesting how much a Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton presidential series would be as a fraction of all the years the U.S. has had a president. To see it graphically, a pie chart can be used:
"All other presidents" are blue. For reference, Franklin Roosevelt's four terms are shown as a division within the blue, and for a full 16 years (to show what the public voted for).

In any event, the Bush-Clinton series does take up a good chunk. Two hundred years from Washington to Reagan. Up to twenty-eight if B1, C1, B2, C2 becomes a reality.


The Adamses were related. The two Roosevelts weren't far on the family tree. I don't have a problem with the pie chart or asking what this says about the country, but I have a problem with no one mentioning the cause of an apparent Bush/Clinton/Clinton/Bush/Bush/maybe Clinton run: money.

It costs too damn much to run now, money wins (in the primaries), and the process is screwed well before November election days. Ron Paul, Tancredo, Huckabee, Richardson and the also-rans behind the big money makers have no chance right now. It's all Giuliani/Romney v. Clinton/Obama because they have the political machines. If anyone other than those four wins the Presidency, it will be because of at least two of their deaths.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/15/2007 5:07 AM  

Bush Sr can come back in 2016, too.

By Blogger Unknown, at 10/20/2007 9:05 AM  

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