Who doesn't like Fred Rogers? Fox News and ...This week,
Fox and Friends had on a guest (the "expert" in these matters, a finance professor at Louisiana State University) who was arguing that Fred Rogers was a blight on society. part of the discussion included this:

Mr. Rogers had an optimistic message where everyone was special even if they didn’t deserve it.
Who else shares Fox News' disdain for Mr. Rogers? Why, the good folks at Westboro Baptist Church. Following Rogers death in 2003 there was
a protest organized by Reverend Phelps and company: (pdf of poster

It's really bad when you're shoulder-to-shoulder with the Westboro Baptist Church.
UPDATE: Apparently dissing Mr. Rogers was going too far. The "expert" Fox had on to promote the "Mr. Rogers is bad for kids" segment has pulled back and
issued a statement:
The reference to Mr. Rogers was just a metaphor. I have no professional qualifications to evaluate the real problems or propose solutions. Mr. Rogers was a great American. I watched him with my children and wouldn’t hesitate to do so again if I had young children.
Nevertheless, the evidence stands. Fox News broadcasts nonsense.
UPDATE: In comments, Rockie the Dog notes that
this column in the Wall Street Journal was the starting point for the Fox discussion.
posted by Quiddity at 7/07/2007 09:24:00 AM