Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Official White House Photo:It's lurid. 
posted by Quiddity at 7/25/2007 11:44:00 PM
I was gonna say unsettling, but lurid fits better... from -
lu·rid –adjective 1. gruesome; horrible; revolting: the lurid details of an accident. 2. glaringly vivid or sensational; shocking: the lurid tales of pulp magazines. 3. terrible in intensity, fierce passion, or unrestraint: lurid crimes. 4. lighted or shining with an unnatural, fiery glow; wildly or garishly red: a lurid sunset. 5. wan, pallid, or ghastly in hue; livid.
A friend used that term several months ago when Bush was also seen jogging with a wounded vet. It stuck with me, partly because it can mean "sensational" in addition to "gruesome".
Bush did it again this week, I did as you, checked with, to be sure the word was apt. It was.
I know we shouldn't hide wounded veterans, but the sight of a perfectly intact Bush - who sent them to Iraq! - next to those guys is weirdly sadistic.
Mr. Fish over @ Harper's Magazine has an amazingly appropriate cartoon about this need of shrub's to parade around his wounds: you may need to be a subscriber to access it, but i definitely recommend Mr. Fish's cartoons (it's worth the cost of a subscription alone!)
Thanks for that. The link works.
Spot the one who didn't go to Iraq.
gotta wonder if Bush visited them while they were in the hospital, or, if, y'know... they had to come to him?
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