
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Stand aside!

There has been a lot of discussion about ABC's drama about the events leading up to 9/11. How it falsely portrays Clinton and members of his administration as failing to pursue Bin Laden with vigor (and casting Bush in a good light). Some bloggers are denouncing the ABC effort and asking that the network be contacted and critized for airing a politically slanted drama close to an election. Those on the right are pleased with it, and using it to make fresh attacks on Clinton and company.

But Clinton and Berger and Albright are figures of the past. Even with false charges against them, is that going to help the Republicans this fall? Not likely. And perhaps it's a good thing that Limbaugh, Hewitt, Horowitz, and company are spending their time beating up on someone in the 1990's. Better to have false charges (you know they're inevitable) hurled against Bill Clinton than against the crop of Democrats running for Congresss.

Think of it. Is it an effective strategy for Democrats to mention Reagan's firing of PATCO as part of an argument for unseating Sen. Allen of Virginia?


"is that going to help the Republicans this fall?"

Yes, likely. It will reinforce the image of Democrats as soft on terrorism.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/06/2006 2:06 PM  

Generally agree with you Quiddity, but in this case I have to agree with the previous poster. This isn't rewriting history so much as recasting the present.

They want to absolve the current president -- Bush , of course -- and blame Clinton for 3,000 dead just five years ago. Also they wish to reinforce the false image of Democrats as soft on defense and unable to protect Americans.

That means Dems running right now could be hurt by it.

PATCO really is way in the past, and it didn't have hundreds of "Five year anniversary" specials, etc. It's not nearly as important in the minds of most americans. Hardly any event in recent decades even comes close to the impact of Sept 11.

They want to own it even more than they do, just like they want to own the flag, God, patriotism, and liberty.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/06/2006 10:34 PM  

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