
Friday, September 08, 2006

From Gingrich's mouth to Bush's ear:

Does anybody remember this from Gingrich's op-ed, The Only Option is to Win, in the Washington Post on August 11?
Our enemies are quite public and repetitive in saying what they want. Not since Adolf Hitler has any group been as bloodthirsty and as open.
And here is Bush on September 5:
Now, I know some of our country hear the terrorists' words, and hope that they will not, or cannot, do what they say. History teaches that underestimating the words of evil and ambitious men is a terrible mistake. ... The world did not heed Lenin's words, and paid a terrible price. ... The world ignored Hitler's words, and paid a terrible price.


"Our enemies are quite public and repetitive in saying what they want"

And Bush and others lie to the American people about what they say. They don't say "we attack you because we hate your freedoms"

Bin Laden has said "Bush is still exercising confusion and misleading you and not telling you the true reason."

From 1997: BIN LADIN: We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation of the Prophet's Night Travel Land (Palestine). And we believe the US is directly responsible for those who were killed in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.

Please watch my new video: What motivated the 9/11 hijackers to attack the US? and tell others about this. The video shows the 9/11 Commission Hearing where the question "What motivated them to do it?" was finally asked. See FBI Special Agent Fitzgerald explain the motive. This lying to us about why we were attacked has got to stop.

By Blogger Tom, at 9/08/2006 7:51 AM  

* Anne "The only good liberal is a dead liberal" Coulter,
* Pat "God wants to kill everyone in NY and CA and I'm happy to help him" Robertson,
* Ramesh "Party of Death: How the Democrats hate everyone and everything" Ponnuru, and
* Dinesh "Liberals planned and carried out the 9/11 bombings" D'Souza.

Now, sure, there are some strange inconsistencies here: (were DSouza's liberals working to fulfill Robertson's version of god's plan?), but the point remains. If we're going to take seriously what people say politically, I think the place to start is at home.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/08/2006 2:22 PM  

The initial response to

Now, I know some of our country hear the terrorists' words, and hope that they will not, or cannot, do what they say.

Ought to be:

Bin Laden determinted to strike in the United States.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/08/2006 4:35 PM  

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