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wrote to Andrew Sullivan with some interesting observations about "Caesarism" and how it relates to Hugh Hewitt and other strong admirers of Bush. It's somewhat akin to the Straussian philosophy, and equally dangerous. Also, via the trackback there was a
complimentary post with sharp, Bush-critical remarks, and some interesting visitor comments as well.
Great fun if you like cogitating about the Bush-worshipers and the general insanity of our current leadership.
posted by Quiddity at 8/05/2006 11:31:00 PM
Thanks for the link! (I'm the author of the post trackbacked on Sullivan's site.) Nice little blog you have here.
I should probably talk to Bush supporters first hand, rather than read and engage in armchair psychology about them, but here in Albany California (right next to Berkeley) they are bit hard to find.
I just realized that "little blog" might have come off as patronizing. I didn't intend that. My blog much "littler", if Site Meter is the judge of such things.