A Republican did something good:Mitch McConnell, Republican senator, advocates a lot of policies that this blog disagrees with. And he's hard to like as a person. But give the guy credit, he
voted against the flag desecration amendment today. That's something Democrat Diane Feinstein from comfortably blue California coudn't bring herself to do.
posted by Quiddity at 6/27/2006 07:26:00 PM
Wow, I thought a Majority Whip was supposed to gather votes of the majority. Could he have a conscience??
I'm also surprised that Bob Bennett (Republican from Utah) voted against Hatch.
McConnell is my senator. He doesn't have a conscience. He has a point to make. He's made a huge deal about campaign contributions equalling free speech. To be consistent (he's evil but he's smart), he is against the loudest attacks on the First Amendment. But he doesn't go out of his way if it could possibly slip under the radar.