Friday, June 09, 2006
NRO's Kathryn Jean Lopez - totally comfortable with Ann Coulter:From The Corner: (emp original) I've not read the book and only just this afternoon watched The Today Show interview, but bottom line: Crass and inappropriate though some of her comments may be—and, yes, of course, the widows line—the "enjoying" one much-quoted from the book—is terrible—Ann Coulter is selling a book this week and now everyone is talking about it and her. Hillary Clinton is responding. And on all sides she’s being denounced—there’s Hillary, but there’s also Peter King. Ann’s on the cover of the Daily News today. Every news segment or story is more Coulter books sold. From her point of view, I’ll guess, and from the publisher’s, for sure: Mission accomplished for book-launch week. Posted at 5:34 PM
posted by Quiddity at 6/09/2006 08:36:00 AM
I've not seen the explosions, and only this afternoon watched his speech on TV, but, bottom line: crass and terrible though the killing of all the people was, Osama bin Laden is engaged in a PR battle here. And even while on all sides he is being denounced, every news segment is giving him more and more publicity. From his point of view, I think you'd have to say "Mission Accomplished".
Well the proof is in the pudding. Word of mouth works both ways. That people are talking about Ann's latest doesn't necessarily translate into sales. We will see. But somehow I think that the wide audience that thought Ann was witty when Bush was in the 80's might be a little more leery now that he is in the 30's. Man it was fun to bash anti-war people as UnAmerican then, and sold a lot of books. Whether that still works when the number of American dead in Iraq is getting ominously close to the number of American dead on 9/11 is an open question.
Accusing widows of loving their husbands more dead than alive because you make more money? Probably explains why Ann has never been married to a guy with a big life insurance policy.
Ever seen a Black Widow spider? Vaguely pretty, definatly spooky, nothing you want to have in bed with you.