
Friday, June 09, 2006

Ann Coulter doesn't believe in evolution:

From a NewsMax review of her book: (emp add)
Coulter devotes the last 80 pages to her full-scale attack on the theory of evolution and the utter dishonesty of what she calls the "Darwiniacs" and their refusal to face the fact that evolution is a patent absurdity, according to Coulter, credible only to those who will find any reason to deny the existence of God.
That's all you need to know.


evolution is a patent absurdity

Unlike the story of the Invisible Sky Spirit just blinking the entire world, solar system, galaxy into existence.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/09/2006 6:34 PM  

Unlike the story of the Invisible Sky Spirit just blinking the entire world, solar system, galaxy into existence.

Well, it does pass Occam's razor...

Evolution makes sense. Creationism has a very unassailable circular reasoning to it (i.e. Creationism is right because Creationism must be right).

The only one that is a patent absurdity is Intelligent Design, which claims to be scientific, but is not.

(Note: I am a Catholic and believe that God created the universe in between 10 and 20 billion years. Or seven metaphorical days.)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/09/2006 10:52 PM  

I'm done arguing evoluttion. It is like arguing that the sky is blue with people who insist that it is a green-red plaid.

I've decided to start arguing religion. I believe in god but I believe I cannot know what he (I use the masculine pronoun for convenience)wants, what he is like, or what he did 10 to 15 billion years ago. I believe that makes me, litteally, an agnostic ... I cannot know. I find it offensive that some profess that he speaks to them or that he would write a book called the Bible.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/11/2006 6:09 PM  

The Repubs have really gone off the deep end with evolution. Talk about know nothng blowhards. Sheesh.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 8:53 PM  

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