
Friday, April 21, 2006

Correcting Krauthammer:

Charles Krauthammer has written an Op-Ed where he defends Rumsfeld and criticizes those generals that have recently been in the news voicing opposition to the way the military has been run. In it, he writes:
... the Bush administration threw out years and years and layer upon layer of war planning on Afghanistan, improvised one of the leanest possible attack plans and achieved one of the more remarkable military victories in recent history.
Krauthammer misses his opportunity to strike a knockout blow. He should have written:
... the Bush administration threw out years and years and layer upon layer of war planning on Afghanistan, improvised one of the leanest possible attack plans and achieved one of the more remarkable military victories in recent history, capturing Bin Laden and key Al-Qaeda officials.
UPDATE: Edited to tighten the post.


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