
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Keep your eyes out for this expression:

[Via Roger Ailes] In the review for a new conservative book, Getting America Right, we read: (emp add)
Flag, faith and family; free markets and free trade; limited government, local control and individual responsibility are the ideals championed by Heritage Foundation president Feulner and chairman Wilson in this conservative manifesto on what's wrong with America and how we can fix it. Drawing on Heritage Foundation research, according to the foreword, they prescribe a litmus test for government policies that readers can employ on their own by asking the following questions of any proposed policy: "Is federal action necessary?... Does this measure promote self-reliance?... Is it [fiscally] responsible?... Does it make us more prosperous? Does it make us safer?... Does it unify us?" Censuring both "tax and spend" Democrats and today's "borrow and spend" Republicans, the authors are critical of the Bush administration and the mushrooming national debtÂ?$7.7 trillion at the time of publication, they note. But their tally of federal waste (e.g., overpayments in tax credits for "the undeserving poor") and fraud to cutÂ?$100 billion worthÂ?comes nowhere near closing the huge federal deficits they decry, and their solutions (e.g., flat tax and Social Security privatization) will surely provoke partisan debate.
When you have something called "the undeserving poor", then you've got a great excuse for cutting programs for the poor. Simple as that.

Having watched moderate Republicans in the 60's through the early 90's, it always seemed that they were conservative, but that there were limits as to how far they would go. That may have been an illusion due to Republicans trying to be competitive in a more liberal era. But now, when the restraints are off, Republicans are no longer moderate, and they are becoming more like aristocrats every day. Aristocrats, not in a high-minded chivalrous way, but in the manner of medieval Europe: people are mostly serfs and all wealth flows to the top.


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