
Thursday, February 09, 2006

George Deutsch - the radio interview:

The New York Times has excerpts of an interview Deutsch had on a radio program, and it gives a pretty good overview of what he had to say in his defense - which wasn't much except to assert that a NASA scientist, Dr. Hansen, had an agenda of promoting a worst-case scenario of global warming, and that anybody who disagreed was going to get vilified in and by the media ("the media of course is a willing accomplice here").

In the Times story, they provide a link to radio station WTAW, which has an audio feed of the interview. In it, Deutsch said things which were even more accusatory. Here is a transcript of the first part of the interview: (emp add)
"Dr. James Hansen has for a long time been a proponent of a particular global warming agenda - that being that global warming is a horrific problem that will destroy the earth very soon and that steps need to be taken to stop it. What he's willing to do is to smear people and to misrepresent things to the media and to the public to get that message accross. What's sad here is there are partisan ties of his all the way up to the top of the Democratic party and he's using those ties and using his media connections to push an agenda, a worst case scenario agenda of global warming, a "the sky is falling" agenda of global warming. And anybody who is even perceived to disagree with him is labeled a censor and is demonized and vilified in the media - and the media of course is a willing accomplice here.

It bears mentioning that there has yet to be any proof of any scientific watering down or any scientific censorship coming from NASA in regards to Hansen or anybody else. What you do have is hearsay coming from a handful of people with who have clear partisan ties, and they're really coming after me as a Bush appointee and the rest of the Bush appointees because this is a partisan issue. It's a cultural war issue. They do not like Republicans. They do not like people who support the president. They do not like Christians. And if you're perceived as disagreeing with them or being one of those people, they will stop at nothing to discredit you."


Wow, these guys really do think that everyone else is just like them.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/10/2006 8:25 AM  

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