
Saturday, February 11, 2006

And the beat goes on:

First, Bush cuts programs for the poor, elderly, and sick, in order to keep on slashing taxes for the rich. But what does he do when one program, subsidies for rural schools and roads, is eliminated in his 2007 budget? Well, to keep the Red Staters happy, Bush plans to make up for the subsidy by selling 300,000 acres of forest, which will no doubt be at bargain prices, further enriching the well-off.

In other news, Bush is cracking down on drug importation, so poor seniors can't obtain what the market offers at cheaper prices. So much for the benefits of competition and the free market.

This administration is so blatent in its support of business at the expense of labor, the consumer, and national assets. When will the public wake up and realize what's going on?

NOTE: 300,000 acres = 468 sq miles = a square 21 miles on each side. That may not sound like much, but it can be very valuable depending on where it is. Either for timber or for commercial use.

Just like Bush squeezing the last bit of juice out of the armed forces (including the National Guard) without calling for a draft, this is another case of hiding the real cost of the administration's policies - in this instance, tax cuts.


> When will the public wake up and realize what's going on?


By Blogger brainhell, at 2/11/2006 3:05 PM  

This administration is so blatent in its support of business at the expense of labor, the consumer, and national assets. When will the public wake up and realize what's going on?

Well, the public does realize (more or less) what's going on. Some think it's just fine; others are horrified. (Assign your own percentages.) I just wonder if Big Business realizes exactly where the tipping point is. That is, just how much more can you brutalize American labor and consumers? Just how much debt burden can you put on a country -- even a superpower -- before "full faith and credit" is just a quaint expression? Yes, capital is mobile, but it's still pretty much confined to this planet. If the US working- and middle-class collapse, what happens to the rest of the planet?

By Blogger Grace Nearing, at 2/11/2006 3:16 PM  

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