
Sunday, January 08, 2006

Waiting for Bilmon:

One of our favorite bloggers is Bilmon over at Whiskey Bar. He's apparently taking a break right now (which has lasted weeks) but we're extremely interested in what he would say about the NSA spying and about Bush's claims that the Commander in Chief can do anything whatsoever. Partly because he's a good writer, but also because he's been cautioning readers about presidential overreach for quite some time. Now that Billmon's concerns seem to have materialized (unfettered executive), what's the next step? Both by the presidency and those interested in limiting its power.


Hopefully it's a voluntary break and doesn't involve a cell in Guantanamo Bay.

By Blogger Josh, at 1/09/2006 6:21 AM  

[rehab]ummm [/rehab]

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/09/2006 6:34 PM  

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