
Monday, January 02, 2006

Sending the wrong message?

When Bush defends his illegal spying by the NSA, he oftens says things like, "We have to track al Qaeda communications." But by bringing up al Qaeda, one naturally things two things:
  • Are we really fighting al Qaeda in Iraq?
  • Where the hell is Osama?
Especially the latter. If getting the NSA to spy on U.S. citizens was such a necessary step, then why wasn't there a full-scale attempt to get Bin Laden & Co. in Tora Bora? The failure of Bush to bag the leadership becomes striking.


Didn't bush say 2/3 of al qaeda had been killed or captured some time ago? Assuming that bush was not lying, and that a few more have been killed or captured since then ,there shouldn't be many 911 terrorists left should there??? Even in bushworld,, this story just doesn't add up.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/02/2006 9:38 AM  


It's not just OBL, but also Mullah Omar and Abu Musab Zarqawi. Ayman al-Zawahiri would undoubtedly be a great bag, too.

We've killed or captured more than 55,000 insurgents in Iraq so far.

The military only briefly ever suggested there were more than 20,000 out there, and usually far less.

One can imagine that some people are using similar math with the al-Q figures.

By Blogger JoshSN, at 1/02/2006 11:42 AM  

I can't believe that anyone still thinks of "al Qaeda" as being real! Doesn't it strike you as even a *little* suspicious that there were NO PHOTOS of the guys who supposedly executed the 9/11 operations taken at the airports they supposedly left from (from the hundreds of security cameras there)? Or that everyone that they've scooped up in their "anti-terrorist" illegal arrest/torture/imprisonment scheme turns out to be some hapless nobody with a shitload of bad luck? Face it chums, "al Qaeda" is nothing more than a ruse that allowed the neocons their "new Pearl Harbor", which in turn, allowed the passage of every millitary/industrial wishlist ever dreamed up! Foe khryst's sake people, you're under attack by your own government and you still don't realize it?

Wake. The Fuck. Up!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/02/2006 1:57 PM  

al Queda is a fluid, very loose organization, so the idea that it's erradicated is a joke.

By Blogger Laurie Mann, at 1/02/2006 2:16 PM  

Do I sense that now your liberal hypocrits and whiners wish he had used a Nuclear Weapon at Tora Bora?

By Blogger brainhell, at 1/02/2006 9:13 PM  

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