
Monday, December 19, 2005

Why not ask your Saudi friends?

In Bush's press conference today, he made the following remark in support of renewing the Patriot Act:
I mentioned in my radio address -- my live TV radio address -- that there was two killers in San Diego making phone calls prior to the September the 11th attacks. Had this program been in place then, it is more likely we would have been able to catch them. But they're making phone calls from the United States, overseas, talking about -- who knows what they're talking about, but they ended up killing -- being a part of the team that killed 3,000 Americans.
Back in November of 2002 we looked into stories about these guys and diagrammed the connections that allowed them to operate. Turns out that they were funded (by proxy) by the wife of the Saudi ambassador to the US.

Who knows what they're talking about? Ask your friends on Embassy Row.


You are way too fact oriented. Free yourself from fact and believe in the great leader.

By Blogger brainhell, at 12/19/2005 10:17 AM  

i don't think bush ever mentions saudi arabia when discussing terrorism. he certainly didn't in his last address. i haven't heard reporters call him on it either. guess they know which side their bread is buttered.

simply treasonous too allow saudis this much influence in shaping public debate. i saw one story about how one saudi prince (the one giuliani refused to take $10 million from) holds something like 5% stock option in fox corporation. the prince saw a fox news scrawl that mentioned something about a saudi had done. he took umbrage. one phone call to roger ailes claiming this slandered muslims and he got that mention removed from the news. bob baers' book has more examples like this. the way they leverage influence with bribes, reminds me of the mob. the saudi royals are the white elephant in the room nobody wants to mention, when it badly needs to be exposed.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/20/2005 7:07 AM  

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