
Sunday, September 25, 2005

This is who: (excerpts, emp add)
The president of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, Aaron Broussard on Meet the Press:

What kind of sick mind, what kind of black-hearted people want to nitpick a man's mother's death? They just buried Eva last week. I was there at the wake. Are you kidding me? That wasn't a box of Cheerios they buried last week.

Somebody wants to debate those things? My God, what sick-minded person wants to do that?

Are you sitting there having your coffee, you're in a place where toilets flush and lights go on and everything's a dream and you pick up your paper and you want to battle ideology and political chess games? Man, get out of my face. Whoever wants to do that, get out of my face.

When somebody wants to nit-pick these details, I don't know what sick minds creates this black-hearted agenda, but it's sick. I mean, let us recover. Let us rebuild.

Russert was at probably his most disgusting ever this morning.

... the best part of George Bush has always been a sense of being a Republican who cares about the poor and has an actual instinct about it and a compassion about it.


You picked out the two items on the Russert show this morning that got to me, too.

Broussard was brilliant! It looked like Russert was trying to belittle the guy, but Broussard was having none of that nonsense.

Also, Brooks never ceases to amaze me. He's finally acknowledging Bush's flaws, but then he blind folds himself with the "compassionate conservatism" stuff.

Disgusting - Russert and Brooks.

Uplifting - Broussard.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/25/2005 9:18 AM  

I distinctly remember commenting elsewhere in the blogoverse that Bush is seen to be a friend of the poor only by magic bean-eating unicorns and talking leprechaun turds.

Apparently, we can count Brooks among that noble cohort.

By Blogger teh l4m3, at 9/25/2005 3:28 PM  

Broussard said exactly what needed to be said in his response to those rote right-wing talking points. What sick minds, indeed.

By Blogger The Truffle, at 9/25/2005 6:46 PM  

Russert was really trying to push the Republican talking points (it was a failure of local and state government) to Broussard and he was having none of it.

He said that Congress, which is good at witch hunts, should investigate and find out who is to blame. I don't think he was referring to the Republican whitewash that's starting up this week.

I did find myself actually agreeing with Tom Friedman (about the first time for that!) that Democrats have no vision, no real alternative plans and policies and that's why they can't take advantage of the situation.

By Blogger Charles D, at 9/26/2005 5:50 AM  

Brooks has enough intelligence to make some of his less offensive positions interesting. But now he has got his resume stuck in the credibility shredder called the Bush administration. Good. One less thing to read.

By Blogger GreenSmile, at 9/30/2005 6:39 AM  

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