
Thursday, September 08, 2005

President declares a National Day of Prayer:

Background: Matthew, chapter 25, verses 31-36 (from the New International Version), Jesus speaking:
[T]he Son of Man ... will separate the people one from another   [...]   Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father   [...]   For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'


'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
In other words, help the poor and your reward is eternal life, otherwise face eternal damnation.

Now to Bush's proclamation: (excerpts)
Across our Nation, so many selfless deeds reflect the promise of the Scripture: "For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in."
Interesting that he didn't include "I was in prison and you came to visit me," which means 'looters' aren't part of Bush's Christian compassion. In addition, the sick are out of luck. Bush doesn't expect the typical citizen to look after them because that's beyond their ability, and anyway there's always Medicaid to rely on. Wait a minute! That's scheduled for cuts. So perhaps faith-healing is the way to go.

NOTE: Normally Bush cites scripture that is in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament (a favorite technique is quoting Jesus quoting Isiah). But this time he's gone 100% Christian. That's probably all he's got left as a base. Take that William Kristol!


Any healthy Christian SUV-owner earns the mercy of Dubya.

By Blogger brainhell, at 9/09/2005 9:51 AM  

And what about the naked? He must pine for his old girls gone wild days in the Big Easy.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/10/2005 12:13 PM  

You know what completely fucking enrages me about this? These people have been gutting the government on principle because they think it's evil, wicked, bad, useless - of course, their downsized government is the most expensive government in history, but at least it does less, which is something - because we have to get government out of people's lives, right? They fucking run for office on this basis. So we can't organize an effort to save citizens from dying of disease and dehydration in a US city with our expensive new homeland security apparatus, because, you know, government isn't good at stuff like that, but the goddamned president of the United States can instruct us all on how to manage our relationship with God.

Saving those people from useless unnecessary pointless agonizing death wasn't just your christian duty, you fucking piece of shit, it was your job, and you didn't do it. Don't you fucking dare presume to tell me how, when or where to talk to someone who is purportedly your favorite political philosopher and whose words you completely and utterly fucking ignored when your brothers and sisters were dying.

Miserable son of a bitch.

By Blogger julia, at 9/11/2005 7:16 AM  

Whee-ha! Preach on sister Julia!

By Blogger Vanessa, at 9/11/2005 10:14 AM  

I am surprised at how foul your language is: A sign of lack of intelligence.

I am surprised that people enter comment that do not live on the coast, and have no clue. Everyone is so ready to blame the president, but appear to not understand how the government is run at all. It is the responsibility of the city government first, then the state next. There is no excuse for this city government to not have been prepared: Hurricane preparedness lists, and charts are sent out in all the major papers, as well as from insurance carriers twice a season. With the title of office comes responsibility, and the city and state government need to look in their own houses for where they dropped the ball before laying blame elsewhere.
As for all of you that haven't been there, keep your mouths have nothing to offer.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/14/2005 11:44 AM  


Grammar check.

Not to mention don't hide behind anonymity like a puling coward, but I don't expect miracles.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/16/2005 11:02 PM  

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