
Friday, September 02, 2005

New Orleans erases 9/11 competency claims:

Everybody is talking about how the Feds are not on the job with the hurricane disaster. And that makes the fumbling pre and post 9/11 look less like an unexpected surprise and more like general incompetence.

It's hard to say how this will play out, but if Bush can emerge from this calamity intact, then nothing can damage him politically.


That's easy: nothing can damage him politically. The people who support him do it with a wink and a nod.

The truth is that the US is a racist backwater with a lot of money. Let me repeat that: "a racist backwater with a lot of money".

The "lot of money" part is changing rapidly.

The last thing to go will be inherited wealth. Think about emigrating.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/02/2005 10:32 AM  

Agreed. Nothing CAN hurt Bush politically. Even though much of my adult life has been overseas, most of my own family won't even listen to my personal experience of the impact of Bush's policies on the rest of the world. The divide has both sides listening selectively. If you say "apple", they'll answer "orange". So even if Bush flew down to help in the raping and looting it would first be spun, then the spun version would be believed without critical thinking. Of course, the so-called left is guilty of this, too, but realising that that is the problem helps you police your own thinking and avoids a lot of wasted breath on people that disagree with you. Nobody is going to change their opinion because of facts. They have to open their minds to different possibilities first.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/02/2005 7:24 PM  

Oh, and as to emigrating...
Most people will take that comment as exaggeration.
But take a few years, learn a foreign language, marry someone from that country and go. I did. No joke.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/02/2005 7:27 PM  

I'm leaning toward his supporters being impervious. I think they'll look at this scary stuff and assume that only he (or yahoos like him) can protect them.

By Blogger brainhell, at 9/02/2005 9:08 PM  

Think about emigrating.

Already done. Watching it all right now on the BBC.

nothing can damage him politically

Absolutely right. My father told me about how shocked he was at the devastation in Biloxi and New Orleans, and how that meant that, despite all the work done by FEMA and DHS, there was no way to protect people from these things. I pointed out the complete malfeasance of the Administration and how no small part of this was due to the transfer of funds and personnel to Iraq and the "war on terror", and he responded with "You've got that stuff down pat."

Basically, the Republicans can do no wrong, and anything's better than the Democrats or those liberal types, and think how much worse it would have been if Kerry had been elected.

That's the mindset. And there's no changing it. It's over, man.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/03/2005 12:32 AM  

At least FEMA was in place and ready for 9/11 !

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/04/2005 10:48 AM  

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