The forgetful nation: In a
story about Schwarzenegger going around the nation on a fundraising tour (which is bad in and of itself), we read: (emp add)
In the quest for cash to finance his campaign for the special election he called, the governor plans to appear Friday at a Lake Tahoe fundraiser hosted by, among others, philanthropist and former junk bond king Michael Milken. From there, he is set to jet to New Jersey for a Saturday barbecue to boost his fortunes and those of New Jersey Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Forrester.
Not a word about being a convicted felon.
The reason this is so, is the following explanation at
After he served his sentence, Milken launched a public relations campaign to cast himself as a great innovator and financier, while smoothing over his criminal record. He has also devoted much time and money to charity, leading some observers to accuse him of trying to buy back his good name.
Looks like he did.
posted by Quiddity at 8/17/2005 11:09:00 PM
Actually, I do think Milken has done good things in recent years. No argument there. But he did engage in fraud.