Thief: Maureen Dowd has a good
column on the Thief of Baghdad, aka Ahmad Chalabi.
posted by Quiddity at 4/30/2005 12:30:00 AM
Criminality and incompetence are the prime qualifications for success under the Bush regime. Chalabi has those qualities in abundance. I will not be surprised when, 5 years from now, Chalabi is the leader in Iraq and Sunnis are being massacred and gassed. America has never met a despot it didn't like, and America is apparently head-over-heels in love with Chalabi.
i was ran across an old eric margolis column titled "bay of camels". talked about the failed coup against saddam during the mid nineties. this was a covert operation that clinton dishonorably pulled out of, breaking his promise to give the kurds military backup. something that ended up in yet another mass slaughter of kurds when saddam retaliated.
the way margolis described it, sounded like chalabis played a part in sabatoging this coup. wish more would come out about that.
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