
Friday, April 15, 2005

One upset conservative:

John Cole (not Juan Cole) of the conservative blog Balloon Juice was disgusted with the way Republicans handled the Schiavo affair. Now he's appalled at Sen. Frist teaming up with Christians to denounce filibustering Democrats as hostile to people of faith.

Here's the problem. John Cole follows the news and knows what's going on. His reactions to recent events are typical for a "reasonable conservative". But how many other reasonable conservatives are out there who aren't aware of what the Republicans are up to?

Sure, liberals have their position staked out on all these issues. But if the radical-right is to be stopped, it will require those in the center and center-right to sit up and take notice. Will they?


Glenn has a nice TCS column up bashing the democrats over the head while he manages to shake his tiny fist at the religious right. I guess that counts for something. Measly threats from an egg headed academic will surely speak to the heart of James Dobbson and stop this train wreck.


Sorry, but we are so fucked. And we're fucked precisely because of people like John and Glenn. They aren't going to do jack about the problem, and if they do manage to do something, it will be primarily a vehicle to bash democrats.

People who put together a Frankenstein's monster and then get all surprised when it is no longer under their control deserve everything they're going to get. If we have to suffer, I see no reason to give absolution to the twits who got us here in the first place. They certainly aren't going to help unless they persuade quite a few people to throw the bums out.

And lets remember the people in power pandering to these theists lock our own citizens up and throw away the key. The actually think torture isn't just for breakfast anymore.

My only hope is that they cart them off before me so they can at least not be granted the "whew!" feeling they'll have when Malkin first starts rounding up the liberals.

Well, if there's any justice left in the world that is.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/15/2005 6:37 PM  

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