
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Anti-filibuster movement in trouble:

A short round-up:
  • ABC World News Tonight: Americans oppose movement to eliminate filibuster 66% to 25%
  • ABC World News Tonight: Comment from an anti-filibuster citizen: "We have just as much a right to have our judges ...   (emp add)
  • CBS Evening News: Gloria Borger reported that Frist's fellow Republicans were not happy that there was a crawl on the Justice Sunday television broadcast with telephone numbers of their Washington offices.
  • NBC Evening News: (re Justice Sunday) "They promised to use their power to put a Christian imprint on the federal courts."
  • NBC Nightly News: Anti-filibuster crowd shown as similar to Schiavo protesters.
  • NBC Nightly News: Norman Orenstein commenting that this is (a) partly Frist-for-president and (b) no matter what Frist said on JS, he's going to be linked to these "fire breathers"
How about that poll result? 66% to 26%   That's about as lopsided as it gets on a procedural issue.

ALSO: Reid seems to be brokering a deal with Frist. We've been impressed with Reid for quite some time, and though many would like to see the Senate Democrats push the filibuster issue to the limit and not compromise (including us), we defer to the judgement of Reid.


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