
Saturday, March 05, 2005

Where we stand on the issues:

After careful review of the situation, we are proud to announce our support for the following policy positions:
  • We want Bill Frist to invoke the "nuclear option" that effectively eliminates the filibuster. The sooner the better.

  • We want Bush's budget to pass without any tax increases.

  • Related: Limiting budget projections to 5 years is an excellent idea. Also, claiming that the deficit will be halved from a hypothetical number (and not an actual deficit) is the right approach.

  • We encourage Bush to bomb Iran this summer.

  • We also support a joint U.S./Israel strike into Syria.

  • If Bush is low on troops and doesn't want to implement a draft, 20,000 troops from South Korea should be transferred to the Middle East.

  • Reduce veteran's benefits.

  • Condi Rice should meet more often with heads of state. And run for president in 2008.

  • USA Next is too timid. Their "charge that [the AARP] is anti-military is based solely on the fact that the group does not take positions on veteran's issues."*   Stronger charges are warranted.

  • Rick Santorum has the right idea in abolishing the 40 hour work week. All Bush supporters earning low income in service jobs should be working under a flex-time system.

  • Bush should not limit his Social Security campaign to 60 days. It should continue through to November 2006. And more Republicans in Congress should participate.

  • Immediate placement of the Catholic version of the Ten Commandments in all government offices, schools, and post offices.

  • The Hubble telescope should be targeted to plunge into the Pacific Ocean within the next six months, in accordance with Bush's budget. And maximum publicity for this sensible budgetary priority.

  • Clarence Thomas for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
We are serious about this.

* Jake Tapper, ABC News report week of March 1.


You forgot "eliminate farm subsidies." Down here in Alabama, them thar is fightin' words! Still, I don't think that would be enough. In fact every item on your wish list above could come true and Alabama would still be a red state in 2008. :(

By Blogger e. nonee moose, at 3/06/2005 5:56 AM  

Talk about quickening the End of Days...

By Blogger Patrick Berry, at 3/06/2005 8:52 AM  

The sooner the better. The only way the lesson will be learned is as a result of the Big Collapse and major catastrophe. Hell, it took centuries of bloodshed two world wars for Europe to finally begin to get it. So we might as well get it over with.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/06/2005 9:24 AM  

Very astute. I've been saying for a while now that things have to get worse before they get better.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/07/2005 10:20 AM  

Why so timid?
Where`s the draft, PATRIOT Act II, union of state and defense (department of the exterior)?
But even this will not work as long as the elections are open to manipulation. And don't forget: GOP states could legally ignore the will of the people in general elections.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/08/2005 2:51 AM  

Proof that the AARP is anti-troop.
Compared to the whole population,
there's a far, far lower percentage
of AARP members who are on active
duty in the US military. What's
their excuse?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/08/2005 4:19 PM  

The list was crafted with a few goals in mind:
(1) to embarrass Republicans (C. Rice)
(2) be reversible (e.g. tax/budget)
(3) not make much of a difference (Thomas as a replacement for Rehnquist)
(4) not be too cruel (no anti-abortion)

It's not a perfect list and doesn't always meet the goals. It's a concept post.

By Blogger Quiddity, at 3/08/2005 7:46 PM  

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