
Monday, January 17, 2005

What a moron:

On Monday evening, all three networks had a correspondent interview Bush for a few minutes. We watched all of them and in every instance, Bush came off as a fool. Here, for instance, is what Bush said to John Roberts of CBS news:
ON THE IRAQ VOTE: "Obviously we want everybody to vote and there are some who aren't gonna vote because they're afraid for their lives, but they want to vote and that's important..."
Yeah, everything is okay except for the fact that people are scared shitless. By Bush's standard, life was good in Stalin's USSR. Citizens there would be scared of speaking out, but they'd want to, and "that's important."
ON BUSH'S LEGACY: How do you want your presidency to be recognized in the history books? "Oh, John, ya know, first of all I don't think I'll be around to really see the history," Mr. Bush said.
Spoken like an End Timer!

That was followed by a weak statement by Bush that his legacy is that he "used the great influence of America to spread freedom at home and abroad."

Clue us in, what freedom are we spreading at home?

Meanwhile, over at ABC, we watched Terry Moran ask Bush about the credibility of the U.S. if in the future a case had to be made that such-and-such is a threat. He replied (no transcript avail now) by saying that Saddam was a bad man - or words to that effect. This required Moran to say that he was asking about the future, and then Bush offered up a standard reply.

Finally, on NBC, Dick Gregory had some time with the president.
ON THE IRAQ VOTE: "...when it happens America will be more secure for the long run."
We'll see about that.

This was the Bush we've come to know in the rare press conferences he has: Extremely lightweight. The question in our mind is this, "What are people like David Gergen, Paul O'Neill, and yes, even Tim Russert, thinking when they watch this guy?" Bush is about as much on the ball as a first-level manager. Maybe they don't worry because they assume that everything is under the control of Cheney and Rumsfeld, and that Bush is strictly a salesman.

Still, it's cause for concern when you've got somebody as dim as Bush in the White House.


what freedom are we spreading at home?Freedom from freedom, obviously. Or dissent. Or possibly freedom from a financially secure retirement for all Americans, but we're still working on that one.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/18/2005 3:51 PM  

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