
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Follow the leader:

In a story about the U.S. not acting in response to further reports on global warming, we read: (emp add)
"President Bush strongly opposes any treaty or policy that would cause the loss of a single American job, let alone the nearly 5 million jobs Kyoto would have cost," said James Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Headed into his second term, Bush said he believes he "made the right leadership choice" by repudiating the U.N.-sponsored pact negotiated in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, Connaughton said.
The same kind of talk can be found in Jack Welsh's opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal from October 30. Excerpts: (emp add)
In five days, America votes not for its president, but for its leader. I make that distinction because rarely in American history has the occupant of the White House had such a burden of leadership to bear. We are in a war to protect our very way of life, and it is a brand new kind of war, with no foreseeable end and enemies as evil as they are invisible.

The next leader of the United States needs Ronald Reagan's optimism, courage, and conviction, but with a fiercer enemy, he will need to be a leader for the ages--a leader in the extreme.
Expect more talk about our leader in the years ahead.

By the way, how about those enemies that are "invisible"? Talk about a phantom menace.


President Bush strongly opposes any treaty or policy that would cause the loss of a single American job,Guess that doesn't extend to flag-draped coffins.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/10/2004 7:09 PM  

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