
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The whole enchilada:

The Supreme Court has decided to hear a case involving the posting of the Ten Commandments in government facilities. It's claimed that the commandments are the basis of our system of law. But it's not. Our system of justice is based on holding the individual to account. There is no collective guilt. But look at the full text for one of the commandments: New Revised Standard Version Exodus ch 20 (emp add)
You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.
NOTE: This is also the way it's worded in the other description of the Ten Commandments found in Deuteronomy ch 5.


Last week Bill Maher, on his HBO show, pointed out that only 2 of the 10 commandments are actually even laws: do not steal and do not kill. It's not a law to honor one's father and mother, it's not a law to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy, and if it's a law not to covet your neighbor's wife, then we're all in a lot of trouble.

But, of course, the point is that it's quite literally impossible to state that the 10 Commandments are the basis of our system of law when only 20% of them made it onto the books.

Now, if the folks pushing this case WANT to make all 10 into law, that's a different story, but I'd sure as heck like to see 'em try.

By Blogger Karen, at 10/12/2004 3:36 PM  


I think its more like 25% because If thou shallt commit Adultery thou mayest landeth thee in court.

We should rejoice that they aren't asking for Leviticus :-P

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/13/2004 9:45 AM  


I think its more like 25% because If thou shallt commit Adultery thou mayest landeth thee in court.

We should rejoice that they aren't asking for Leviticus :-P

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/13/2004 9:47 AM  

I am sorry I have to be the voice of reason here. Firstly, I too am against displaying the 10 commandments in public places BUT I am a religious Jew who actually believes in the goodness of the 10 commandments. Is there an actual commandment which is not morally correct? Not that I am aware of.

Do not bash these 10 commandments as they are the basis of our morality. If you are a person who has no morals, then I feel very sorry for you. Morality is important for a good and healthy life. Maybe because these people hate G*d and have a gripe, they try to tear things down. It is impossible for any human to destroy G*d, no matter what you try.

I am fully for SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE, and actually think that Under G*d should not be a part of the pledge of allegience. The reason is that because America is a cultural melting pot, we must be accepting of other beliefs. We do not, and will not assume those beliefs because according to the commandments of my G*d it is a sin to contemplate other dieties. I am assured of the oneness of G*d and will die with the Shema on my lips.

While this post implies that G*d is a jealous G*d, there are far more examples of G*d being a forgiving and understanding lord. For example, we have recently passed the Yom Kippur holy days. The whole purpose for this holy day is to allow us to ask forgiveness for the collective sins of humanity, and to move forward into a productive new year. I don't see G*d as a G*d of wrath and fury, but as a kind and loving father who believes that by keeping us in awe that we will abide by his commandments. I just wish more of humanity could understand the reasons we must humble ourselves to the almighty power of the universe. Only then will we be able to live in heaven.

Thank you,
Michael Uman

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/14/2004 3:41 PM  

What if your heaven is my hell? I mean for heaven sakes, I don't know if it's true but wasn't there something about "a thousand virgins" heavenly reward for the 911 suicide crews? Man if I'm one of those virgins; it sounds like eternal hell. Count me out. As for our legal system it's based in private property ownership rights which is the basis of capitalism, which when you think about it is based on coveting not only your neighbor's goods but everyone's goods on the entire planet leading us to long discussion about coveting Iraqi oil.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/15/2004 6:23 AM  

Mr. Uman, thanks for being pro-separation.

It looks like God has _never_ found anyone to love him and keep his commandments, unless you can point to someone who has had 1000 generations of steadfast love.

Ugga? The scuttlebutt is that "El" was a person, and "Elohim" his 70 sons. [Names of god from the Tanakh(Old Testament): Yahweh, Elohim, El, Eloah, Elah][Elohim is definitely plural]

By Blogger JoshSN, at 10/15/2004 11:43 AM  

Ironically, on its face, this Commandment PROHIBITS anyone believing it from 'making a graven image' of the Ten Commandments tablets, as these postings of the Commandments are usually done, as (evidently translated into English) versions of the original tablets.

Why do those who think the 10 Commandments are so important as to have them posted in government facilities fail to read them, and realize that the very hanging of them violates them?


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/16/2004 11:32 PM  

So if your grandparents got the thousand generation blessing but your parents got the 3 or 4 generation smite then what do you end up with?

By Blogger George, at 10/17/2004 12:14 AM  

Republicans treat the flag as a graven image, which they worship with fully as much zeal as the Israelites worshipped the Golden Calf. Was this a cunning and devious plan on their part to ensure God would smite us with 4 generations of Bush Administrations?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/18/2004 10:51 PM  

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