
Thursday, October 07, 2004

What will it take?

In the span of four days, the following has taken place:
  • SUNDAY: The New York Times publishes an article about how the administration hid from the public the expert assessment that the aluminum tubes were not suitable for uranium enrichment.
  • MONDAY: Rumsfeld's admission that there was no hard evidence linking Iraq to al Qaeda.
  • TUESDAY: Bremer's admission that there were two few troops allocated to Iraq - which is one of the big reasons why things aren't going well (and probably why casualties are higher than they otherwise would be).
  • WEDNESDAY: The final report of the Iraq Survey Group declaring there were no stockpiles and no programs of WMD in Iraq.
The Times report excepted, the rest are working or worked for the administration in top positions. That should be political dynamite. If it doesn't directly sink the president politically, it should at least trigger an agressive inquiry into what the hell these guys are doing. Yet that doesn't seem to be happening.

What will it take?


Don't worry, you'll see an aggressive critique of the White House by the press. If Kerry is elected.

By Blogger brainhell, at 10/07/2004 3:28 PM  

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