
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A state to watch:

On November 2, we will be watching the state of Virginia to get a sense of how each candidate is doing. Although Bush is ahead there, the poll numbers have been fairly close for a red state. Obviously, if it goes for Kerry, it's all over for Bush. But a close result - say withing two percentage points - will probably indicate a Kerry win nationwide. (Bush is 3% ahead as of today, according to Also, Virginia numbers should be released early, what with it being on the east coast, so it's an early signal of the trends.

Here's our plan for election night: If the Virginia numbers look good for Kerry, we immediately order a huge everything-on-it pizza, pig out, and sleep easy that night.


If the Virginia numbers look good for Kerry, we immediately order a huge everything-on-it pizza, pig out, and sleep easy that night.And if the Virginia numbers look bad, immediately order a huge everything-on-it pizza, and eat away your depression.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/19/2004 6:51 PM  

I voted by absentee paper ballot for Kerry Edwards Socas last week. I live in one of the most conservative sections of the state. I am shocked at the number of Kerry Edwards Socas yard signs or the number of Wolfe (our Repub congressman) with no accompanying Bush/Cheney yard signs. Not exactly a scientific sampling, but it probably equals Gallup's polling science. It certainly is interesting!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/20/2004 7:15 AM  

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