
Tuesday, October 05, 2004


In a story about Bremmer's recent statements saying more troops were needed in Iraq, White House on Defensive After Bremer Talk , we read: (emp add)
At a campaign stop in Tipton, Iowa, Kerry said the question for voters was whether Bush was "constitutionally incapable of acknowledging the truth" or was "just so stubborn."

In a rare day spent in Washington, Bush had no public appearances. Speechwriters polished an address that White House aides said would be a sweeping indictment of Kerry's Iraq policies, while Bush prepared for his second debate with Kerry on Friday.
A rare day spent in Washington. Yeah, who would ever expect the president to be in the nation's capital?


Do I detect just a touch of snark in the AP story?

By Blogger Tod, at 10/06/2004 10:55 PM  

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