
Friday, October 01, 2004

Excuses and distractions:

Courtesy of the New York Post:
ANDREA PEYSER: ... Bush spent a perfect day being photographed hugging hurricane survivors. Kerry, meanwhile, was holed up in his hotel room — at one point enjoying an in-room manicure.

DEBORAH ORIN: Perhaps Bush was tired from racing around to comfort hurricane victims the morning of the debate, or too confident, or maybe he got over-briefed as Ronald Reagan did in his disastrous first debate with Democrat Walter Mondale in 1984.

JOHN PODHORETZ: Bush wanted to make clear that he intends to win the war in Iraq and that people think of him as a strong leader. He did so by contrasting his own consistency with John Kerry's vacillations — and he did it over and over again, until even his eyes seemed to glaze over from the repetitiveness.

DAVID WINSTON: ON the day of the most im portant debate in their political lives, President Bush was in shirt sleeves consoling Florida hurricane victims, patting some on the back, hugging others and shaking hands with the tired relief workers. John Kerry had a manicure.

If ever there was a metaphor for the difference between these two candidates and their respective relationships with the American people, it was this.
We are very happy to see that the "over-briefed" excuse has made a comeback (thanks, Deborah!) because that's one of the most absurd things to say. If you are over-briefed, that usually means you are churning out tons of facts, but most likely in a disorganized manner while failing to make the essential point. Bush, by contrast, had moments when he had nothing to say beyond the campaign trail slogans.


Why do we let them get away with all that "comforting" crap anyway? It is blatant pandering in a politically important area during an election cycle.

pandering not comforting.

Compare the work Jimmy Carter does to what George has been doing...I did see him hoist a tiny bag of ice into a car though.

By Blogger granny, at 10/01/2004 7:49 PM  

I'm sure Bush underwent NO grooming.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/02/2004 10:38 AM  

Of course, Rove could have set it up that way. As insurance in case the debate went badly, "Junior was clearly exhausted from helping hurricain victims."

What's with this manicure shit?

-Barry Freed

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/02/2004 4:20 PM  

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