
Friday, October 08, 2004

Channeling Clinton:

In the second debate Kerry said "I have a plan" twelve times. He has a plan for Iraq, for health care, for the economy, etc. While it may sound repetitive, it's similar to what Bill Clinton did in 1992 - have a plan for lots of different policy areas. Maybe that will sound good to the electorate.


What is annoying is when Bush says he has a plan; as if he wasn't the president. He and the republicans were like that at the convention also. They control the White House, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court but they are still trying to run as outsiders running against Washington. They want us to send them to Washington to clean up the mess that they made.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/08/2004 10:09 PM  

Now contrast this with how often Bush said 'hope':

Hope is not a plan.

Harsh but true.

By Blogger melior, at 10/09/2004 2:06 PM  

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