
Friday, August 27, 2004

Not the right place:

A quick thought. We avidly read the Daily Howler, and recently Bob Somerby has been taking the cable channels to task for failing to be informed on the Swift Boat controversy. He says that Deborah Norville and Pat Buchanan didn't know enough to challenge pro-Swift guests. Same with Chris Matthews.

As much as we'd like to agree with the Howler, we admit to having trouble keeping all the names and dates and events straight. (Maybe we should make a diagram!) The point is that television, especially the interview format, is not a good place to sort out disagreements when there are multiple charges made. Maybe Matthews should have an assistent typing furiously into a database in order to bring up the relevant facts - in realtime. Or maybe Matthews should spend some time memorizing everything. The solution is that charges by the Swift Boat Veterans is best handled in a print media (or in a highly structured, lawerly, television format). Then one can read (or hear) the charge, look up to see what the facts are, make a response, and so on.

We've said on occasion that the proper way to deal with the Swifties on television is to s l o w     d o w n. Take one item at a time. But we've been told that that's a ratings killer.

That's why television is not a good medium for finding out the truth. It is, however, a good medium for making charges - especially new ones that nobody has any idea how to counter.


Perhaps there is no good medium to refute charges once it becomes apparent the charges hold some merit. Perhaps the confusion at the Kerry campaign started when they decided to make his 4-month service in Vietnam the centerpiece of the DNC, and offered this service as the best evidence of his leadership qualities. The mainstream press has balked at investigating the SBV charges against Kerry but rather has chosen to go after the credibility of the SBV. If you want a story to take on a life of its own... just keep accusing the accuser. --S. Adam Symons--

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/27/2004 2:23 PM  

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